AlliesOccupy Our HomesOccupy Our Homes is a movement that supports Americans who stand up to their banks and fight for their homes. We believe everyone has a right to decent, affordable housing. We stand in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement and with community organizations who help the 99% fight for a place to call home.
Home Defenders League
The Home Defenders League is a national movement of underwater homeowners and our allies fighting Wall Street to get back the wealth, equity, and future they stole from us.
New York Communities for Change New York Communities for Change is a coalition of working families in low and moderate income communities fighting for social and economic justice throughout New York State. By using direct action, legislative advocacy, and community organizing, NY Communities' members work to impact the political and economic policies that directly affect us. Through neighborhood chapters and issue-based committees, we are working to ensure that every family throughout New York has access to quality schools, affordable housing, and good jobs. It is through the power-in-numbers approach that NY Communities is able to win REAL change for our towns and neighborhoods. Website »
Neighborhoods Organizing for Change Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change is a community organization that has worked with Monique White and other North Minneapolis residents to stop foreclosures, and is campaigning to get the Minneapolis School Board to divest from Wells Fargo bank over its predatory lending practices and their effects on the schools. Website »
Not An Alternative Not An Alternative is a hybrid arts collective and non-profit organization with a mission to affect popular understandings of events, symbols, and history. We curate and produce work that questions and leverages the tools of advertising, architecture, exhibit design, branding, and public relations. Website »
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) believes that Missouri is positioned at a unique intersection of social, economic and environmental injustice. We believe that as corporate power continues unabated expansion and the gap between the rich and the poor widens, there has never been a better time for our low-income communities to come together and fight back. MORE seeks to be a powerful organization of low- and moderate-income people, building strength in our communities. We work in relationship with other organizations pushing our allies to engage in creative direct action with us to foster good policy changes. MORE seeks to be part of a movement that cuts across, class, age and race lines that is envisioning and building the world in which we would like to live. Website »VOCAL - New York Voices Of Community Advocates & Leaders (VOCAL) is a statewide grassroots membership organization building power among low-income people affected by HIV/AIDS, the drug war and mass incarceration, along with the organizations that serve us, to create healthy and just communities. We accomplish this through community organizing, leadership development, public education, participatory research and direct action. Website »
Housing Is A Human Right Housing Is A Human Right is an ongoing documentary portrait of the struggle for home. We create a space for people to share stories of their community and ongoing experiences trying to obtain or maintain a place to call Home. We are building a collection of intimate, viscerally honest narratives exploring the complex fabric of community and the human right to housing and land, painting a living portrait of human rights. Stories are recorded in sound in the tradition of oral history and shared as audio stories, photographs and multimedia across multiple platforms-including interactive exhibitions in unconventional spaces & broadcasts via traditional and new media outlets. Website »Causa Justa::Just Cause We are Causa Justa :: Just Cause (CJJC), a multi-racial, grassroots organization building community leadership to achieve justice for low-income San Francisco and Oakland residents. In 2010, CJJC emerged from the strategic collaboration of two powerful organizations: St. Peter’s Housing Committee and Just Cause Oakland. These two organizations represent more than 30 years combined experience working toward housing and racial justice for African Americans and Latinos. With offices in East and West Oakland and in San Francisco’s Mission District, together we are a force for justice and unity among Black and Brown communities.
Causa Justa :: Just Cause has a multi-faceted approach to fighting for social justice. We provide tenant rights advocacy and information to tenants through our Housing Committee/Tenants’ Rights Clinic. We build our membership through recruitment in the tenants' rights clinics and through neighborhood door knocking and outreach. We fight grassroots campaigns to win immigrant rights and housing rights and work toward building a larger movement for social transformation. Website » Supporting, Informing & Connecting People in Foreclosure Website »
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment The Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) is a statewide community organization working with thousands of members in eleven counties creating transformative change by helping ordinary citizens to organize and take action. California is host to the world's eighth largest economy, yet every day more and more Californians are losing their jobs, falling further behind on their rent or mortgage payments and sending their kids to failing schools. ACCE is dedicated to raising the voices of everyday Californians, neighborhood by neighborhood, so that our children have stronger communities and expanded opportunities. Website »Picture the Homeless Picture the Homeless is an organization founded on the principle that in order to end homelessness, people who are homeless must become an organized, effective voice for systemic change. We have a track record of developing leadership among homeless people to impact policies and systems that affect their lives and our efforts have created space for homeless people, and their agenda, within the broader social justice movement.
Website »Organizing for Occupation Organizing for Occupation (O4O) is a group of New York City residents from the activist, academic, religious, homeless, arts, and progressive legal communities who have come together to respond to the housing crisis. We firmly believe that safe and affordable housing is a human right, and that the government and the private sector have failed to meaningfully address this crisis. Therefore it is up to those who are most afflicted by the lack of affordable housing, homelessness, and foreclosures to actualize that right themselves through non-violent direct action. We intend to create housing through the occupation of vacant spaces and to protect people’s right to remain in existing housing through community based anti-eviction campaigns. We are available to offer training, education and encouragement to individuals and organizations. Website »Ohio Fraudclosure Blog This blog was created as a forum and on-line gathering place for HOMEOWNERS interested in helping fight the FRAUD in foreclosure. We want visitors to use this site as a place "to meet" and a “resource” for the most current information, recent court rulings and case law updates. You are NOT alone in this battle! We will help you in the fight against the Foreclosure Machines (Foreclosure Mill Attorneys, Robo-Signers, FRAUDulent Trusts or Trustees) Website »Take Back the Land The Take Back the Land- Movement is a national network of organizations dedicated to elevating housing to the level of a human right and securing community control over land. The Movement must be led by impacted communities and is firmly rooted in 'Positive Action' campaigns, including those which break the immoral laws which allow banks to gain billions in profit while human beings are made homeless. Website »Moratorium NOW! The Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions, and Utility Shutoffs is a coalition of grassroots activists and organizations, union and religious leaders, farmers, politicians, and concerned individuals from across Michigan that formed in the late 2007 to fight against the foreclosure epidemic brought on by the banks which has devastated our state and the entire country. We believe that a right to decent, affordable housing is a fundamental human right that supersedes the "property rights" of the banks. The Moratorium NOW! Coalition combines direct action stop foreclosures and evictions with a political struggle for a moratorium to halt all foreclosures modeled on the 1930’s foreclosure moratoriums won in 27 states through community action. We have been instrumental in stopping many foreclosures and evictions since early 2008, utilizing an approach that combines court proceedings in combination with demonstrations at banks and homes, mass email and phone campaigns, and move-ins of those who are evicted. Website » was created to help anyone who decided to look for the truth against the frauds that have been perpetrated on Americans facing the loss of everything they ever had. Website »Rebuild the Dream Rebuild the Dream is an engine helping to drive the 21st-century movement to renew the American Dream. We harness the power of media and technology to mobilize, organize, and broaden the base of people working to fix America’s economy and restore our democracy. We are designed to align smart action among various champions and constituencies, at the national and grassroots level. Website »
Citizen Engagement Lab Citizen Engagement Lab incubates tech-savvy, people-powered organizing initiatives, facilitates collaboration across these initiatives, and evolves the model of technology-fueled organizing. CEL is a technology and media ally working with and Matt Browner-Hamlin, a senior fellow at CEL, is organizing in support of this movement. Website »