Housing Heroes from Colorado Foreclosure Resistance Coalition are going to Washington DC to take action to end "TO BIG TO JAIL". The national Home Defenders League is bringing home defenders from all over the country to Washington DC to point out the injustice that the victims of foreclosure fraud are often evicted at the point of a gun but the Banksters who are committing these crimes are not being prosecuted.

They have all been released!
Welcome Home Sahara! Fred & Debbie return tomorrow!
Colorado Housing Heroes, Sahara Donahue, Fred Henrich, & Debbie Brady were all arrested at the department of Justice and refused bail in order to bring attention to the fact that the DOJ has not jailed any bankers for their crimes, but homeowners are being arrested every day for trying to stay in their homes. They have all been released!
During the Wall Street Accountability Week of Action in Washington, D.C., May 18-23, families on the front line of the foreclosure crisis will travel from around the country to Washington, D.C., to make their voices heard.
We would like you to meet three amazing housing heroes from Colorado who will be risking arrest in DC!
Please share their stories with friends and check up on their actions over the next few weeks

Debbie, Fred & Sahara are pictured here helping
lead the march for Justice!
Between 400 and 500 protesters rallied at the Department of Justice (DOJ), closing Constitution Avenue and the three main entrances to DOJ. Folks demanded that Attorney General Eric Holder “Jail the Banksters” and “Not to Big to Jail” Leaders of the CA ACCE-lad Home Defenders League and Occupy Our Homes struggled with police for access to DOJ. Members were tased (!!!), and seventeen were arrested. A large contingent are occupying the main DOJ entrance tonight, and anticipate arrest tomorrow morning.

Sahara Donahue Sahara has become a true inspiration for many fighting to end fraudulent foreclosures in Colorado. She was wrongfully foreclosed on and then evicted by a militarized force in Idaho Springs. Although her personal foreclosure story has opened many eyes to the state of our broken system it has been all the amazing work she has done to help others facing foreclosure and her incredible strength of spirit that truly makes her one of own housing heroes. Go inspire Holder to finally start holding the Banksters accountable. | Fred is the definition of an activist. He has devoted much of his life to fighting for social justice. No matter what the issue is when an activist finds themselves in need of a passionate alley or organizer Fred will be there. He has become an expert on the corrupt practices of the Banksters. His devotion to fighting wrongful foreclosures has been the binding thread that has kept CFRC fighting.
He will once again put his own liberty on the line to fight for ours!
Give em Hell Fred!
| Debbie has once again answered the call to shape history in our nation's capital. She marched for Civil Rights, and as a Vietnam Veteran Against the War, and many other causes including helping make possible the amazing strides in our LGBTQ community. Having been part of so many pivotal moments of our history she knows that they key to justice is people taking to the streets in mass. Well... When the Banksters unjustly foreclosed on Debbie they victimized a long time hero of our nation and pissed of the wrong activist. |